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LOTR+LEGO= Awesome.

My fondest memories of Legos include seeing how high i could build a tower, only to watch it fall over, constructing a lightsaber out of all red colored bricks and shattering it over my friend’s back, and pissing my mom off by leaving them out so she would step on them in the middle of the night.

But I’m more than willing to admit that i am outclassed in whatever retarded rendition of  the castle from Monty Python I ever made. The guys over at decided they were going to make ALL of middle earth out of Lego bricks, and they presented it at Brickworld in Chicago. I don’t even have to tell you that they won a metric crap-ton of awards.  To be honest, I have to give them a huge round of applause. As a Lord of the Rings fan, and a fan of Lego, they’ve combined two of my biggest loves into something that can only most definitely be described as  kick ass on a whole new level.

I’ll post a few of the pictures here, but you have to check out their website to see just how awesome these guys are.